

A Wholesome 1950s Picnic!

A very good friend of mine, Brittany, turned 21 a couple of weeks ago, and Saturday was the party! Much to my delight, she decided to have a '50s themed picnic, suitable for grownups and kiddies alike. As soon as the invites were sent out, careful planning for my outfit ensued. I was doubly-stoked when she asked me to do the cupcakes. I'm no Martha Stewart (though I try) but I do like to put my baking "skills" to the test whenever I get the chance... and I pounced at this!

Here I am in my wonderful new, '50s inspired dress (which I plan on wearing again and again)...
30Nov2009 015

The birthday girl...
30Nov2009 019

And my cupcakes with my terrible camera...
30Nov2009 041

It was a beautiful day and the rain managed to stay for most of it. I hope our Brittany had a wonderful 21st birthday - she very much deserves it!

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