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I truly believe that Community is the best show on TV...
...even though it got pulled off their air very recently. This news made me want to cry (before you judge, no, I do NOT normally read MTV news). This decision is clearly a fist up the balls to good taste (watch Season 1 "Comparative Religion" if that grossed you out).

This is one of the many reasons why I try to avoid getting into shows that aren't already over. Actually, I generally try to avoid TV altogether. The popularity of shows like Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, Glee and Packed to the Rafters bewilders and perplexes me. Not only that, but they also put me in a deep state of absolute despair when I remember that shows that lack so much class, imagination and wit can manage to attract the audiences they do (or any audience at all).

Also, I just found out what Whitney is. I wait with baited breath for it to invade our Australian screens and to see if we react in horror at its tackiness (which is what should happen) or delight (which is what normally happens).

I apologise (half-heartedly, because they are seriously shit) if you are a fan of any of the aforementioned shows. I will take it back, however, if you try for ONE SECOND to argue that they are better than Community.

I rest my case. I hope Jeff Winger would be proud.

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